Mouth painting with iPad

iPad makes it easier for people with limited reach to draw or paint – suitable for people with disabilities
User paints by mouth on the iPad
User paints by mouth on the iPad

Drawing function on iPad is controlled with a custom mouth stick, see associated tip.

Users comments
The user is an artist and draws and paints with his mouth. Using the iPad is different from painting or drawing on paper, like a new technique. For the user it is easier to reach and to mix paints and to switch brushes since everything is available on the screen. He can draw for two hours with only small breaks without developing neck pain.

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

User ‘mixes' paints
User ‘mixes’ paints
User changes brush size
User changes brush size

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Author: Ilias

Ilias var artist och arbetade för MFPA (Mouth foot painting artists). Han har en hög tetraplegi (C 4/5), avliden.

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