User wearing her cape
Cape with detachable lining with snaps.
For more information, please contact the user through info@spinalis.se
Users comments
Often the user needs a coat just to move between car and house. Putting on the cap is fast and easy. She has sewn the cape in different fabrics for different occasions, see related tip.
Purchased capes are often sewn with too much fabric and get in the way when driving the wheelchair. This model, which the user developed, is warm and does not get in the way when she drives the wheelchair.
Made by
User’s assistant
Paid for by
The user
Whose idea
The user

Cape from the inside with extra lining

Cape from the inside – extra lining removed
Related tips

Easy to put on and take off - suitable for wheelchair users. 2011

Easy to put on and take off - suitable for wheelchair users. 2011