Medicine card

Medicine card with important information – suitable for people with specific diagnoses who need specialist care
Medicine card
Medicine card

Plastic-coated card with important information about the user’s disability and possible complications in several languages. Stored in wallet.

Users comments
The user has a rare diagnosis and may require hospitalization quickly.

The card includes the following information: user’s name and personal identification number, diagnosis with general symptoms, as well as her specific symptoms, allergies, medicine list, family doctor, close contacts.

Made by
The user

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user’s

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Author: Caroline

Caroline bor i en lägenhet och arbetar. Hon har en medfödd bindvävssjukdom (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom) som ger henne varierande problem och smärtor i alla lederna. Sedan 2000 använder hon rullstol utomhus. Hon har 27 timmar hemhjälp i månaden.

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