Socks with loose elastic

Socks suitable for persons who easily get swollen legs
Socks with loose elastic
Socks with loose elastic

Soft sock with loose elastic.

Users comments
It was difficult for the user to find good socks with loose elastic, which still stay up. The elastic of the socks he had previously cut in to his legs, especially when his legs became swollen over the course of the day.

The user is extremely satisfied with the socks from Gus.

Purchased from
Gus Textil AB, (in Swedish) (last checked October 2021)

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
The user

Author: Lars

Lars bor ihop med sin hustru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Sedan 1967 har han en hög paraplegi. Han är inte i behov av assistans.

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