Custom sewn dress

– suitable for wheelchair users

User with dress

User with dress

Red satin dress with jacket. The extra-long skirt of the dress covers the user’s feet when she sits in the wheelchair.
The jacket has extra seams in the back to allow room for the user to move her arms when driving the wheelchair. The cuffs on the sleeves can be turned up. The user turns up the cuffs when driving the wheelchair to prevent them from becoming dirty. When sitting at the table, the user turns them down again and it looks like an ordinary jacket.

Users comments
The user is extremely satisfied with her dress, it is comfortable and looks elegant and fashionable. She also has other jackets with the same cut.

For standard models the user recommends fashionfreaks, where patterns can be downloaded that are appropriate for wheelchair users (last checked November 2020).

Made by
A seamstress

Paid for by
The user

Whose idea
Seamstress and user

Jacket with extra seams on the back

Jacket with extra seams on the back

Jacket with cuffs folded back

Jacket with cuffs folded back

Jacket but cuffs folded down

Jacket but cuffs folded down

Author: Caroline

Caroline bor i en lägenhet och arbetar. Hon har en medfödd bindvävssjukdom (Ehlers-Danlos syndrom) som ger henne varierande problem och smärtor i alla lederna. Sedan 2000 använder hon rullstol utomhus. Hon har 27 timmar hemhjälp i månaden.

Type of disability

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