Garden planter on legs with metal frame for non-woven fabric, is 90 cm up to the top edge, 176 long and 60 cm wide, so the user can reach across the entire width if the unit stands against a wall. The soil can be up to about 35 cm deep.
Users comments
The garden planter on legs makes it possible to garden without back pain. It is easy to keep the container free of weeds and pests like snails. The frame and fabric can create a mini-greenhouse.
A raised board that children can stand on is available as an accessory. Shelves mounted on the sides with wood screws are also available as accessories.
To replace the soil, one end of the bottom can be dropped down.
Made by
Thorulf Löfstedt
Purchased from
In Sweden (last checked November 2020)
Editors comments in Danmark also sells garden planters (last checked November 2020).