Transfer to adapted excavator

Chairlift makes it possible to move from wheelchair to excavator

User moves from wheelchair to lift chair.

User moves from wheelchair to lift chair. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

A lift with a folding plastic chair is mounted on the excavator. The electrically adjustable-height chair sits on a vertical pole and can swivel.
User transfers from wheelchair to lift chair. At the touch of a button the chair is lifted up to the cab, then the chair swings inwards and the user moves to the driver’s seat.

Made by
Adaptations: Conny Eriksson, CM fordonsteknik, Sweden.

The chair is lifted up to the cab at the push of a button.

The chair is lifted up to the cab at the push of a button. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

The chair swings into the driver’s cab.

The chair swings into the driver’s cab. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

User moves between chair lift and driver’s seat.

User moves between chair lift and driver’s seat. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

User in his excavator.

User in his excavator. Photo: Katharina Ratzka

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- made it possible for a wheelchair user to return to work.

Author: Bosse

Bosse bor tillsammans med sin fru i en villa på landet. Han arbetar deltid. Han skadade sig 2008 och har en hög komplett paraplegi. Han har personlig assistans 56 timmar/veckan.

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