Countertop dishwasher in modified kitchen

A countertop dishwasher that fits below a low work surface.

Countertop dishwasher with basket pulled out, placed under ther counter

Countertop dishwasher with basket pulled out

The countertop dishwasher is installed next to the sink at the same height as the rest of the work surface. There is room to unload dishes above the dishwasher.

Users comments
A countertop dishwasher that fits below a low work surface. Placement of the dishwasher is important. After rinsing utensils she can place them directly into the dishwasher from the counter above. With the dishwasher door open and basket pulled out, dishes only have to be lifted about 30 to 40 centimeters from the counter down into the machine, which eliminates messy kitchen spills. There is also less risk of dishes breaking if dropped, since they have a shorter distance to fall and therefore a softer landing. These two factors make it easier to use the dishwasher when it is installed under the counter – otherwise you may just as well have an ordinary freestanding dishwasher.

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Author: Susanne

Susanne bor i lägenhet och studerar och arbetar som frilans (heltid). Hon skadade sig 1982 och har en hög ryggmärgskada (C5). Genom handkirurgi fick hon ett pinchgrepp i vä hand. Hon har personlig assistans genom LASS. Efter tipsinsamlingen har hon flyttat till en ny lägenhet.

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