Sheet of reflectors
Charts with self-adhesive reflectors are sold for the head mouse. The reflectors are expensive and can only be used once. An alternative is self-adhesive reflectors that can be purchased in hobby stores.
Users comments
The user goes through 2 – 3 reflectors per day. The reflectors from the hobby store can be cut into many individual reflectors and are much less expensive than the reflectors that come with the head mouse. They work very well, even somewhat better since they can be cut a little larger.
Purchased from
For example Hobby Store
Paid for by
The user
Whose idea
The user

User with reflector on nose
Related tips

Using WiVIK and a head mouse a person without arm and hand function can type on the computer. 2007

Custom modifications make it possible for persons without function in their arms and hands to play computer games. 2007