Magnets of different strengths sewn into wheelchair gloves – suitable for individuals with impaired handfunctions
Magnets of different strengths sewn into wheelchair gloves – suitable for individuals with impaired handfunctions
A simple solution for easier handling of a mobile phone – suitable for people with impaired hand function
With the help of a loop a person with impaired hand function can easily pick up a wallet
A holder that enables people without finger function to hold a toothbrush
– enable people with impaired hand function to hold a popsicle stick
A simple way to be able to pick upp the phone and to attach it to the wheelchair – suitable for persons with impaired handfunction
– suitable for people with disabilities
A gripping aid to improve grippfunction and to facilitate everyday activities for persons with impaired handfunction
Exercise Aids allowing indenpendent gymtraining för persone with impaired handfunction
– aids people with impaired hand function
Dog training for service dogs provides assistance in daily life to people with disabilities
Service dog provides daily living assistance for people with disabilities
A service dog can provide everyday help to wheelchair users by carrying, fetching, or holding objects
Wheelchair crane that lifts a manual wheelchair into and out of the car trunk – suitable for people with disabilities and low strength
Multi-tier serving platter that a person with impaired hand function can lift and hold
Technique for people with strong arms
Technique for people with strong arms
Cord attached to a bowl works as handle and enables a person without dexterity to grasp the bowl and move it
Universal pliers make it easy to take a hot baking sheet out of the oven – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
An important assistive device for a person with a high spinal cord injury that can be used in many different situations
A holder on the wheelchair is practical for attaching various objects – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
“Selecta band” on shower handle makes it possible for persons without dexterity to hold on in the shower
Oven with side-hinged door makes it easier for wheelchair users with impaired balance to place bakeware in oven and to remove it
Strong reach extender appropriate for use on boat – suitable for wheelchair users
A telescopic slide-out iron rod/stand to which many types of equipment can be attached. This stand enables a user who does not have any active hand function to hold on to various types of equipment.
Custom-designed rod enables persons with compromised arm/hand function to reach, retrieve and handle a number of different objects.
Simple modifications make a transistor radio manageable for a person with impaired hand function
A specially designed universal rod to retrieve both light and heavy objects – suitable for persons with compromised arm/hand function
Custom modification to phone for persons with impaired hand function
Tray suitable for persons using a wheelchair
Homemade handle of cernit clay with and without key ring
A strap taped to the milk container holder works well for persons with impaired hand function.
A modification that enables persons with physical disabilities and impaired hand function to handle magazine holders.
A Combi-stroller works well for parents with disabilities who have young children