A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
With the help of a simple string a person with impaired hand function can easily flush the toilet
– an easy way to turn on the computer for people who drive a wheelchair
– suitable for people with extensive physical disabilities
Modifications enable a user without finger function to grasp controllers and use them
Self-adhesive 3M Bumpons on the transmitter facilitates control for people with impaired hand function
– suitable for people with impaired hand function
– makes it possible for a person who uses a wheelchair to turn on/off
– Suitable for wheelchair users
Dog training for service dogs provides assistance in daily life to people with disabilities
Service dog provides daily living assistance for people with disabilities
A service dog can provide everyday help to people with disabilities by opening/closing doors or drawers
Control elevator with wheelchair footrests/front wheels – an option for people without arm/hand function
Holder for flatware and typing sticks sewn onto wrist bandage, suitable for persons without wrist function or finger dexterity
Convenient storage for remote control units, always accessible, suitable for persons with disabilities
An environmental control system that can be operated from the bed is suitable for persons with high spinal cord injuries
An important assistive device for a person with a high spinal cord injury that can be used in many different situations
Remote controls with foam rubber and writing stick make it possible for persons with impaired hand function to use TV, stereo, etc
Well arranged, high-capacity infrared transmitter for environmental control system
The bus system makes it possible to control all electrical functions in the house from one transmitter; suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Adapted wireless remote control for switch
Desk with double work surface and accessible control panel for electric outlets
Remote control units that sit on a firm surface are easier to use for persons with impaired hand function
The remote control unit for the radio is always accessible from the bed
Opportunity to listen to radio in bed without disturbing a partner; suitable for persons who have compromised hand/arm function.
Radio placed on its edge to enable persons with impaired arm/hand function to reach all buttons when lying in bed.
– facilitates remote control of TVs, CD players, VCRs, phones, and other electrical appliances
The transmitter sits on a strap that holds the thighs together
Portable and adapted handle that enlarges and therefore makes it easier for a person with impaired hand function to twist/open/close various types of lock and stove knobs.
Assistive device for writing and for picking up various objects for persons with impaired dexterity.
Assistive device with many applications for wheelchair users
Homemade handle of cernit clay with and without key ring
Wheelchair users can use a squeegee to reset circuit breakers.
Replace difficult to reach switch with motion detector
Large raised buttons on remote control are easy to manipulate for persons with impaired hand function.
Technique to control sewing machine for wheelchair users