Magnets of different strengths sewn into wheelchair gloves – suitable for individuals with impaired handfunctions
Magnets of different strengths sewn into wheelchair gloves – suitable for individuals with impaired handfunctions
Scissors tongs can be used to withdraw credit cards from pay stations.
Sweeping up Lego is much easier than trying to pick up all the pieces, one by one – a simple method for parents with disabilities
With the help of a loop a person with impaired hand function can easily pick up a wallet
Easy adaptation that serves as a handle and stand for the phone for people with impaired hand function
– enables people with extensive disabilities to pick objects up from the floor
A simple way to be able to pick upp the phone and to attach it to the wheelchair – suitable for persons with impaired handfunction
People who use a wheelchair can increase their independence at home by using a standing wheelchair and they can also stretch their leg joints.
Dog training for service dogs provides assistance in daily life to people with disabilities
Service dog provides daily living assistance for people with disabilities
A service dog can provide everyday help to wheelchair users by carrying, fetching, or holding objects
– a training method for service dogs
Standing wheelchair facilitates housework – suitable for wheelchair users
A gripping aid to reach into the car trunk – suitable for wheelchair users
Suitable for persons with impaired hand function and who find it difficult to bend over to reach the floor
Strong reach extender appropriate for use on boat – suitable for wheelchair users
Custom-designed rod enables persons with compromised arm/hand function to reach, retrieve and handle a number of different objects.
A key ring taped to a book makes it possible for a person with impaired hand function to handle the book
A specially designed universal rod to retrieve both light and heavy objects – suitable for persons with compromised arm/hand function
Wheelchair users can reach things that are farther away with pliers.
Passive pliers. Used for reaching, getting to and picking up things.
Assistive device with many applications for wheelchair users
Adapted closet that makes it easier for a person in a wheelchair to come close to pick out clothing and objects
Towel and plastic bag that a person with impaired hand function can use to pick things up from the floor.
Persons without finger function use a playing card to pick small objects up from the floor.
A towel can serve as an assistive device for persons with impaired hand function to pick up objects from the floor.
Wheelchair users can use a squeegee to reset circuit breakers.
A device to help pick objects up from the floor for people with disabilities and impaired hand function.
A piece of string is a simple assistive device for persons with physical disabilities and impaired hand function to pick binders up from the floor