Easy-to-use tent that takes only seconds to set up – suitable for people with disabilities
Easy-to-use tent that takes only seconds to set up – suitable for people with disabilities
– an option for people with disabilities
– suitable for wheelchair users
Camping is not impossible for people with disabilities
Spacious caravan/trailer with extra wide door and ramp – suitable for people with disabilities and their families
– simple ramp for caravan/trailer – suitable for all environments
Kitchen travel kit that makes it easy for a person who uses a wheelchair to prepare food, even if the environment is not adapted
Specially furnished RV allows a woman with disabilities to travel on vacation with her family (husband and two children) and her personal assistant
Ceiling lift with bent U track make transfers possible in RV – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
– makes bathroom visits easier for people who need assistance
Custom-built shower chair saves room and makes it possible for a person with extensive disabilities to shower in an RV
Custom-designed stable ramp for adapted RV – an option for people who drive wheelchairs
Custom shower stall with ceiling lift and shower chair – suitable for a person with extensive disabilities