


A sitski that provides good balance



– enables people with disabilities to ride a bike on equal terms



Power-assisted handbike that can be clipped on a manual wheelchair – allows bicycling on equal terms

Belt for balance

Belt for balance

Soft corset helps players hold their balance in wheelchair rugby

Ball techniques

Ball techniques

Technique for getting a ball up from the floor onto the player’s lap – suitable for players of wheelchair rugby with poor hand function



– addition to manual wheelchair that allows quick and comfortable mobility outdoors

Gripping Aid

Gripping Aid

A gripping aid to improve grippfunction and to facilitate everyday activities for persons with impaired handfunction

Arm cycle on exercise stand

Arm cycle on exercise stand

An exercise stand allows the user to operate the arm cycle either stationary or outdoors – a training tool for people with disabilities

Tennis wheelchair

Tennis wheelchair

Special wheelchair with anti-tip device and positioning belt. The wheelchair is used to play tennis

Wheelchair tennis

Wheelchair tennis

Wheelchair tennis – a sport that can work for people with disabilities