Easy-grip stylus with rubberized outer layer
Easy-grip stylus with rubberized outer layer
A simple solution for easier handling of a mobile phone – suitable for people with impaired hand function
Easy adaptation that serves as a handle and stand for the phone for people with impaired hand function
– service for people with disabilities (in Sweden)
– prevents iPhone from falling and makes it easily accessible and easy to use – suitable for wheelchair users with impaired hand function
Stylus for controlling touch displays – suitable for people with impaired hand function
A convenient way to access the mobile phone – suitable for people with disabilities
A simple way to be able to pick upp the phone and to attach it to the wheelchair – suitable for persons with impaired handfunction
Customized touch pen makes it possible to control iPhone and iPad with the mouth
– makes it easier to always have work materials accessible – suitable for people with severe disabilities
A smartphone placed in a holder on the wheelchair table can be controlled with a mouth stick – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Adapted pencil works as an assistive device for using telephone and computer – useful for persons with impaired handfunction
Adapted mobile phone – aids people with impaired hand function
– allows people with extensive disabilities to use a telephone independently
Mobile phone with headset – assistive device for persons without arm and hand function
Headset for telephone – assistive device for persons with extensive disabilities
Bluetooth headset enables persons without function in arms or hands to use a mobile phone
A stick inserted into the universal holder enables a person without dexterity to punch in a phone number and type on a computer
Holder for flatware and typing sticks sewn onto wrist bandage, suitable for persons without wrist function or finger dexterity
An environmental control system that can be operated from the bed is suitable for persons with high spinal cord injuries
Telephone does not work satisfactorily for persons without arm/hand function
Well arranged, high-capacity infrared transmitter for environmental control system
Voice-controlled portable telephone that works and is always accessible for a person who uses an electric wheelchair and has impaired hand function
With a holder for speaker phone by the bed, the telephone is always accessible for persons with impaired arm and/or hand function.
Accessible phone even when showering
Adapted speaker phone works for a person without active hand function
An all-in-one night table with room for many functions that helps a person with a high injury to stay in touch with and have control over the rest of the world even when in bed
Custom modification to phone for persons with impaired hand function
Homemade handle of cernit clay with and without key ring