A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
A voice controlled device used as an environmental control, to play music, to surf on the internet, and more
– enables people with impaired hand function to use an iPad or smartphone
Practical iPad holder mounted on the wheelchair
Easy-grip stylus with rubberized outer layer
– an easy way to turn on the computer for people who drive a wheelchair
WiVik and shortcuts facilitate computer use for people with extensive disabilities
Simple keyboard modifications make it easier for people with impaired hand function
Stylus for controlling touch displays – suitable for people with impaired hand function
– facilitates using an iPad – suitable for people with impaired hand/arm function-
A stylus for navigation on touchscreens/smartphones and for typing on keyboard – suitable for people with extensive disabilities without finger function
Writing sleeves facilitate computer use for people with reduced finger function and spasticity
Operating a computer using the wheelchair joystick – an option for people who drive a Permobil
External click button makes it easier for people with severe disabilities to operate a computer
A practical cushion that makes it easier to achieve a better, more relaxed body position – suitable for people with reduced trunk balance
– assistive device for people with impaired hand function
Computer assistive device for people with impaired hand function who type with a head mouse and manage the mouse contact with an external control switch
– a setting for people who cannot press two or more keys simultaneously
Handheld computer with touchscreen – easy to use for people with disabilities
Customized touch pen makes it possible to control iPhone and iPad with the mouth
– makes it easier to always have work materials accessible – suitable for people with severe disabilities
A table easel makes it easier to paint by mouth – suitable for people with severe disabilities
Adapted pencil works as an assistive device for using telephone and computer – useful for persons with impaired handfunction
Simple stylish bed tray that facilitates using a laptop while sitting in bed or in an armchair
By using the mounting arm the mouse comes into the right position for the user to control it by mouth – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Trackball mouse controlled with mouth and lips – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Individually adapted computer workstation – suitable for people with extensive disabilities
Combined laptop support and manuscript holder provides ergonomic working position – suitable for persons with tetraplegia
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for a person with a high spinal cord injury
Small keyboard – suitable for persons with limited reach
Forearm support to keep balance when typing on computer – suitable for persons who have tetraplegia
Ergonomic mouse that provides a centered working position – suitable for persons with high spinal cord injuries
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for persons with tetraplegia
Being able to see the back of the computer makes it easier for people with disabilities to work. It is easier to explain to others how to change cables, etc.
A stick inserted into the universal holder enables a person without dexterity to punch in a phone number and type on a computer
Holder for flatware and typing sticks sewn onto wrist bandage, suitable for persons without wrist function or finger dexterity
Suspending a headset from the ceiling makes it easier for a person with impaired hand function to put it on
MouseTrapper facilitates computer work – suitable for persons who have or are at risk of having shoulder problems
Reflectors from Panduro Hobby are less expensive and better for controlling the head mouse than the accompanying reflectors
Camera tripod works well as a joystick holder for persons who control the joystick with their chin
Joybox is a keyboard input device suitable for persons without arm or hand function who want to play computer games
Custom modifications make it possible for persons without function in their arms and hands to play computer games
An adjustable height computer desk is suitable for wheelchair users
Headset for sip/puff controls to control computer that works well
Double sip/puff controls help a person without arm or hand function to play computer games
Using WiVIK and a head mouse a person without arm and hand function can type on the computer
Custom-designed joystick to control computer games with chin
The microphone is an alternative method for controlling a computer for persons who do not have arm or hand function to play computer games
Maneuvering on the computer with a regular pen
Workroom with computer workstation for a person who controls the computer with a head mouse
Custom-made laptop table for use in bed – highly appreciated assistive device for persons who control the computer with a head mouse
Simple mouth stick can be used for pocket calculators and certain computer functions (pressing multiple keys) – suitable for persons without active hand function
Simple modifications enable a person with impaired hand function to use a mouse with trackball
The reflector that controls the head mouse is glued to a small clothes pin
Writing stick made of hobby clay, appropriate for persons with impaired dexterity.
The user switched to a smaller keyboard and had less elbow pain.
Assistive device for writing and for picking up various objects for persons with impaired dexterity.
Durable typing sticks; assistive device for persons who lack finger function
Assistive device for persons with impaired dexterity