Practical furnished computer workstation for people with extensive disabilities
Practical furnished computer workstation for people with extensive disabilities
– an option for wheelchair users
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for a person with a high spinal cord injury
Ergonomic computer workstation – suitable for persons with tetraplegia
Paper and documents stored in drawers are convenient and easy to see – suitable for persons with limited reach
Workplace for a person with high spinal cord injury allows user to work from home
Storage in drawers provides easy access to paper and documents – suitable for persons with limited reach
An adjustable height computer desk is suitable for wheelchair users
Work table suitable for wheelchair users
Workroom with computer workstation for a person who controls the computer with a head mouse
Simple and convenient workplace – suitable for wheelchair users
Desk with double work surface and accessible control panel for electric outlets
Convenient computer desk suitable for persons who use a manual wheelchair
A computer workstation for persons who use their head to control the computer.
A desk from IKEA with stable legs. The desk was trimmed to make it narrower. Users comments Glenn does not need a deep desk, since his computer has a flat screen. A smaller desk saves space and he can hide the desk behind the bookcase. Purchased from IKEA,
Custom-built desk for persons with limited reach.
A modification that enables persons with physical disabilities and impaired hand function to handle magazine holders.