A cushion that could help prevent neurogenic pain and spasticity in people with spinal cord injuries
A cushion that could help prevent neurogenic pain and spasticity in people with spinal cord injuries
– ordinary bed may work well for people with disabilities
Simple adaptation that facilitates turning in bed – suitable for persons with disabilities
– suitable for people with disabilities
Bite guard can help people who have difficulty turning in bed avoid sleep apnea
– a solution for a person who uses a wheelchair
Custom-sewn bottom sheet with storage pockets makes it possible for a person with impaired hand function to have access to all accessories to be able to manage independently in bed.
Practically designed bedroom closet – suitable for families where one member uses a wheelchair
– provides firm support and reduces shoulder pain
Attractive electrically controlled double bed – suitable for persons with physical disabilities
Mounting the TV on the wall makes it easy to watch TV while lying in bed – suitable for persons who have to spend a lot of time in bed
An assistive device to avoid being disturbed by light at night – suitable for persons who have help from personal assistants
Positioning cushions to lie comfortably, improve circulation and prevent decubitus ulcers – suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Assistive device suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Sheet to have at home or while traveling, useful for persons with urinary incontinence.
A solution for a double bed when one member of the couple needs an electric bed
Electric adjustable bed can be an advantage for people who have problems coughing
Spacious light bedroom – suitable for persons with disabilities who need to spend much of their time in bed
Easily accessible closet suitable for wheelchair users
Electric bed equipped with bed lift. The bed has four adjustable sections.
The ceiling fan helps when it gets too hot in the summer; appropriate for persons who have problems with temperature regulation.
A wooden board on the long side of the bed serves as a fixed point and provides support for dressing while sitting in bed
Ceiling fan helps persons who have problems regulating body heat to sleep on hot summer nights.
Duvet can be closed with Velcro
Stand next to the bed allows independent self-catherization
Adapted closet that makes it easier for a person in a wheelchair to come close to pick out clothing and objects
Ceiling lift on tracks placed on the ceiling, diagonally across the room.
Adjustable height bed with back and foot adjustment; suitable for persons who have difficulties moving in bed
Closet without plinth and with lowered closet pole, suitable for wheelchair users
Positioning cushion filled with polyester pellets that persons with impaired balance use to be able to sit in bed.
Heating pad with timer warms the bed
An adjustable electric bed with bed lift is appropriate for persons with a high spinal cord injury
Specially ordered hard edge in the spring mattress facilitates transfers for wheelchair-bound persons with impaired balance