Space-saving interior of a bathroom for disabled people
Space-saving interior of a bathroom for disabled people
Shower stall that frees up space in bathroom – suitable for people who drive wheelchairs and need maneuvering space
– an option for wheelchair users with strong arms
– suitable for people who lack sensation
– reduces risk of infection – suitable for people with disabilities
Hand shower by the toilet – practical for people with disabilities
– makes it easier for people with impaired hand function to use soap
A self-inflating seat pad works well as shower cushion – suitable for wheelchair users who have impaired sensation
Practical organizer for shower accessories – suitable for people with disabilities
Stable, convenient and space-saving shower chair – suitable for wheelchair users
Ordinary bathtub in adapted bathroom – a possibility for people with disabilities
Angled easy-grip grab bar – suitable in an adapted bathroom
Being able to watch TV while lying in the bathtub is relaxing and distracts from pain
Vinyl-backed terry cloth protects the wheelchair or lounge chair from becoming wet after a swim or shower
A hand sprayer makes it easier to wash genital area – suitable for people with disabilities
Custom-built shower chair saves room and makes it possible for a person with extensive disabilities to shower in an RV
Custom shower stall with ceiling lift and shower chair – suitable for a person with extensive disabilities
Shower stall with walls that open and rubber strip – suitable for wheelchair users
Spacious bathroom – suitable for persons who need assistance in order to shower
EasyBelt facilitate transfers – suitable for wheelchair users who need help with transfers
A long and stable shower hose together with a convenient shower nozzle – suitable for people who shower while sitting on a shower chair
Removal of the front and end plates of the bathtub, a place to sit next to the bathtub and a belt to wear during the transfer make it easier for wheelchair users to transfer to and from the bathtub
Small tilting shower chair – suitable for persons with compromised balance
Assistive device to wash hair while sitting in a wheelchair – suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
A garden chair with cushion that works as a shower chair with shower cushion- suitable for persons with disabilities
Stable wall-mounted shower stool for easy transfers with sliding board
Soft seat on shower chair facilitates transfers for wheelchair users.
By opening up the wall above the bathroom door Anders can transfer from the bed directly to the bathtub using a ceiling lift
“Selecta band” on shower handle makes it possible for persons without dexterity to hold on in the shower
Soap pump makes it easier for persons with impaired hand function to use soap
Shower and toilet chair with soft back and fixed armrest
Shower and hygienic chair with customized armrest, suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Small folding travel shower chair on casters – large and tall people do not sit well on it
Used as to wash genitals when traveling
Transfer to bathtub using an ordinary chair
Shower with custom-designed glass wall – appropriate for wheelchair users.
Well-functioning adapted bathroom suitable for wheelchair users.
Space-saving towel rack for many towels
Practical space-saving solution for shower and toilet on adapted sailboat
Larch wood bathtub with broad edge to help with transfers and stops for the feet – suitable for people with disabilities
Appropriate for persons who do not have arm or hand function.
The wheelchair is locked to the shower stool for secure transfers
Combined shower and toilet chair on castors
Hand shower at wash basin
Adjustable angle sink in bathroom with hand shower, suitable for persons with impaired balance and hand function.
Space-saving solution for persons with high spinal cord injuries who have a ceiling lift in the bathroom.
Shower chair on castors that can be packed into a suitcase.
Shower and toilet chair on casters that can be packed into its own case
Shower stall with doors that seal directly against the floor is a good solution for wheelchair users.
A shower chair on casters suitable for wheelchair users with high spinal cord injuries.
Easy-to-use soap dispenser – appropriate for persons with impaired hand function
A hot bath can help persons who find it difficult to stay warm and have problems with spasticity
A shallow washbasin works well for wheelchair users with limited reach
A small shower chair that helps maintain balance
Used successfully in many contexts, such as the shower, airplane trips, the car, etc.