A folding lift attached to the wheelchair makes bathroom visits possible anywhere – suitable for women with extensive disabilities
A folding lift attached to the wheelchair makes bathroom visits possible anywhere – suitable for women with extensive disabilities
The urination hook is an assistive device for persons with compromised arm/hand function who use a urine bottle or drain their bladder intermittently
– am assistive device for people with impaired hand function
Modifications that facilitate use of urine bottle
Simple gripping aid for self-catheterization – suitable for individuals without hand function
With the help of a simple string a person with impaired hand function can easily flush the toilet
A method for people with high tetraplegia to independently empty their urine bag
Space-saving interior of a bathroom for disabled people
Convenient storage for incontinence supplies for toilet visits outside the home
Curtain in front of the window at the shower protects the window from moisture – an option to have an open shower area next to a window
Discreet storage for disposable catheters
Practical storage bag makes it easier to drain the bladder at night
– aids people with impaired hand function
– reduces risk of infection – suitable for people with disabilities
Hand shower by the toilet – practical for people with disabilities
– facilitates bathroom visits for women with impaired leg function
Custom-sewn bottom sheet with storage pockets makes it possible for a person with impaired hand function to have access to all accessories to be able to manage independently in bed.
Wastebasket opens without having to touch it – suitable for people with disabilities
Pull-out washbasin next to toilet chair for convenient toileting for people with disabilities
Wall-mounted toilet with folding armrest – suitable for wheelchair users
– makes bathroom visits easier for people who need assistance
Plastic container and custom-built lift on wheelchair replace an accessible toilet
Narrow lift straps facilitate bathroom visits for people with extensive disabilities
Penis holder made out of orthotic material makes independent draining of the bladder with one hand possible for people with impaired hand function
Discreet, specially sewn bag for storing catheters under the wheelchair seat
The electric toilet is a good alternative for a vacation home – suitable for wheelchair users
Transfer to the toilet for a person who uses a wheelchair and has impaired arm/hand function
Transfer technique for persons with tetraplegia
Transfer technique for persons with high tetraplegia
Zipper with loop on the inseam of the trousers facilitates draining the urine bag – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
A simple custom modification to hold, insert, and empty the microlax tube – suitable for persons with impaired hand function
Toilet seat that facilitates bathroom visits and personal hygiene for persons with impaired hand function
Soft seat on shower chair facilitates transfers for wheelchair users.
Soft seat – suitable for persons with loss of sensation
Reinforced water reservoir extends life span of toilet chair used by persons who drive a wheelchair and have poor balance
Hook that holds trousers out of the way while draining the bladder
A technique for intermittent catheterization without having to touch the catheter, which provides better hygiene.
The urination hook is an assistive device for persons with compromised arm/hand function who have to relieve themselves intermittently
By attaching the urine tube to a holder and modifying the valve a person with highly impaired hand function can drain the bladder without assistance
Old-fashioned diaper cover combined with sanitary pads for urinary incontinence for use while traveling abroad.
Sheet to have at home or while traveling, useful for persons with urinary incontinence.
Toilet seat – customized wheelchair seat, facilitates bathroom visits when traveling
An elevated toilet seat makes it easier for wheelchair users to transfer to and from the toilet.
Individually adapted forceps – an assistive device to enable persons with impaired hand function to take care of bowel management without assistance
A bowel management method for persons with spinal cord injuries
Independent draining of urine while sitting on toilet chair
Independent drainage of urine while sitting in wheelchair
Emptying the microlax tube with two hands – a technique for persons with impaired hand function
Independent emptying of urine bag with adapted attachment strap
A custom-designed opener together with adapted attachment strap (see associated tip) make it possible for a user with impaired hand function to independently drain the urine bag
The ‘urination hook’ is an assistive device for persons with compromised arm/hand function who performe intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC).
Practical portable open storage unit in bathroom
With a customized syringe a person with impaired hand function can self-administer microlax
Independent emptying of bowel for quadriplegics with impaired hand function
Tailor-style position on toilet makes it possible for a quadriplegic to take care of bowel management independently
The mirror makes it easy for a quadriplegic to take care of bowel management independently
Shower and hygienic chair with customized armrest, suitable for persons with extensive disabilities
Small folding travel shower chair on casters – large and tall people do not sit well on it
Folding raised toilet seat used as toilet chair while traveling
Being able to look at fish and listen to music passes the time in the bathroom
The Clysmatic colonic kit can be used while traveling
An adapted colon cleansing kit makes it possible for a person with a spinal cord injury to take care of body functions faster
Elevated toilet facilitates transfers for wheelchair users
Well-functioning adapted bathroom suitable for wheelchair users.
Customized trousers with zipper and opening for persons who use uribag.
Practical space-saving solution for shower and toilet on adapted sailboat
Solution for persons with incontinence problems
Appropriate for persons who do not have arm or hand function.
Stand next to the bed allows independent self-catherization
Stable elevated toilet seat appropriate for heavy people with physical disabilities
Combined shower and toilet chair on castors
Hand shower at wash basin
Shower chair on castors that can be packed into a suitcase.
Custom-sewn urine bag holder makes it possible for a person with a high spinal cord injury to drain a urine bag without assistance
Solution for modified bathroom with crowded space.
Air freshener spray can make it easier to accept help in intimate situations.
Customized jeans make it possible for persons with impaired hand function to independently drain urine bag
Shower and toilet chair on casters that can be packed into its own case
A shower chair on casters suitable for wheelchair users with high spinal cord injuries.
High quadriplegics can use this dressing hook with customized jeans to drain the urine bag without assistance