Wheelchair accessible cabin on Coronet 24 Midi
Wheelchair accessible cabin on Coronet 24 Midi
Small lightweight aluminum ramps for wheelchair users; practical to have along on the boat
Raised floorboards to reduce height differences in boat – suitable for wheelchair users
Simple mooring – suitable for wheelchair users
Short-handled garden tools work best when working in easily accessible raised beds
Wooden ramp with railing
Telescoping ramp on country home lot
Country home with accessible garden
Ramp across ditch on a wheelchair-accessible lot
Accessible raised beds that also work as greenhouses
Easy to make, simple accessible raised beds
Watering system that can be handled by a wheelchair user
A power wheelchair works best on gravel path by lake
Wheelchair user can mow lawn with an MTD riding lawnmower
Socks suitable for persons who easily get swollen legs
Spacious wooden deck outside single-family home – suitable for wheelchair users
Wooden containers make gardening easier for wheelchair users
Architect-designed wheelchair accessible garden with raised beds at various heights
Detailed accessibility guide for Castilla la Mancha in Spain
Easily accessible raised garden beds for wheelchair users
Folding raised toilet seat used as toilet chair while traveling
Stone-dust paths in wheelchair accessible garden
A handle on the door makes it possible for a wheelchair user to close the door after entering or leaving room
Drip and sweat hoses – simple way for wheelchair users to water the garden
Modifications enable wheelchair user to take care of chickens
Long-handled garden pruner – suitable for wheelchair users
Raised flower pot on casters – suitable for wheelchair users
Being able to look at fish and listen to music passes the time in the bathroom
Faucet swings to side to allow user to wash hair
Wheelchair users can close outward-opening doors by using a simple home-made door closer
Simple and convenient workplace – suitable for wheelchair users
Used as to wash genitals when traveling
Tow line for wheelchair users during walks in the woods
Work gloves suitable as wheelchair gloves for persons with good hand function
Residential garden with raised beds
Accessible terrace
Outdoor clothes dryer placed so a wheelchair user can hang laundry
Transfer technique for wheelchair users
A cushion between the knees helps the user to maintain a good seated posture in a kayak for people with functional impairments
Kayak skirt keeps the kayaker warm and protects against water
Pressure-relieving seat cushion
A floating dock guarantees an even height between dock and kayak, which facilitates transfers for people with physical disabilities
RG Active Rehabilitation offers kayak lessons for persons who have a spinal cord injury
Fireplace provides extra heat for persons who have a hard time staying warm
Storage place for Permobil in garage
Convenient computer desk suitable for persons who use a manual wheelchair
The enclosure make it possible for a user who operates a wheelchair to be able to let the dogs out
Kitchen suitable for wheelchair users
Shower with custom-designed glass wall – appropriate for wheelchair users.
Pantry with slide-out storage appropriate for accessible kitchen
The oven door, which opens downwards, protects the user if she should drop something hot when removing food from the oven
Well-functioning adapted bathroom suitable for wheelchair users.
Easily accessible paper towel holder
Space-saving towel rack for many towels
Storage unit on casters with practical recycling bins for sorting waste. The unit is heavy to move.
Herding dogs are appropriate dogs for wheelchair users
Counter space next to the refrigerator makes it easy to remove things and put them away – appropriate for wheelchair users
Easily accessible closet suitable for wheelchair users
A microwave that is only used to heat food can be placed above the oven, even in an accessible kitchen
Accessible clothes closet
Wheelchair users can reach things that are farther away with pliers.
Customized ironing board
Cleaning with central vacuum cleaner is convenient for wheelchair users, though it taking out the long hose can be difficult.
Practical laundry room for wheelchair users
Portable drying rack on casters is suitable for wheelchair users.
Stacked washer/dryer works for wheelchair users
A small garage is arranged so that it is suitable for a wheelchair user
A basket for moving objects, appropriate for wheelchair users.
Ramp that blends in with environment
Elevated toilet facilitates transfers for wheelchair users
Chair stairlift in two-story house with narrow stairway.
A wooden board on the long side of the bed serves as a fixed point and provides support for dressing while sitting in bed
Ceiling fan helps persons who have problems regulating body heat to sleep on hot summer nights.
Accessible desk A desk from IKEA with stable legs. The desk was trimmed to make it narrower. Users comments Glenn does not need a deep desk, since his computer has a flat screen. A smaller desk saves space and he can hide the desk behind the bookcase. Purchased from...
Elastic band helps to ensure that brakes are not in the way when taking wheels off or putting them back on
If you use an elastic band as your shoelace you do not have to tie shoes
Duvet can be closed with Velcro
Stand next to the bed allows independent self-catherization
Specially designed sliding board is easier to pull out from underneath the user after transfers
The transmitter sits on a strap that holds the thighs together
The cover protects the car seat when the wheelchair is placed in the car
A fabric bag over the wheelchair wheels protects trousers during transfers
A practical and secure way to bring along bags
The wheelchair is locked to the shower stool for secure transfers
Stable elevated toilet seat appropriate for heavy people with physical disabilities
Wall-mounted bathroom cabinet for easier cleaning
A countertop dishwasher that fits below a low work surface.